Settlement Products Wikia
Settlement Products Wikia

Food and Drinks

Company/Business Product/Service Location Notes (1) Notes (2)
Adumim Food Supplements Supplements, energy drinks Mishor Adumim Industrial Zone
Oppenheimer Sweets Atarot Industrial Zone
Organica Farm Spices, herbal teas Hamra
Achva/Achdut Tehina, halva, sweets Barkan Industrial Zone Extensive int'l marketing . Some labels list address as Tel-Aviv or Nes Tsiona Click for notes - Achva/Achdut
A.L.5 Stars/A.L. Five Stars Sweets and pastries Barkan Industrial Zone
Alpha Lasolet (Alpha Semolina) Grain mill Neve Erez, near Ma'aleh Machmesh
A.S. Cohen Marketing "Asli" brandonion and grill flavored snacks Barkan Industrial Zone Also cleaning products, bleach, dishwashing soap
Eco Alpha/Sachut Tari Natural juices Barkan Industrial Zone
Aroma Na'ama Spices, herbs Na'ama
Erez Asado - Catering Food Barkan
Eretz U-Meloa Organic goat milk foods Itamar
Eretz Hita - Home Baking Baked goods Kiryat Arba Rye, buckwheat and whole wheat "Hebrew Labor"
Bodek2go Bio-organic vegetables, insect-free Kfar Etzion
Better and Different/Land of Israel Fruits Vegan foods Mishor Adumim Industrial Zone Also lists addresses in Migdal Ha'emek, Jerusalem
Beytsei Kfar-Farm Eggs/Quality Foods Eggs Barkan Industrial Zone
Beitsim Organiot ("Organic Eggs") Organic eggs Alon Shvut
Basar Ha'shomron-Glasner ("Samaria Meat") Meat wholesellers Karney Shomron Also active in the Sharon area
Nimrod Cheeses/The Witches Cauldron and the Milkman Cheese, restaurant Nimrod "Kdeirat Ha'machshefa ve ha'halban
Giv'ot Olam/GO Organic freerange eggs/goat milk products/yogurt/grapes for wine Itamar/Giv'ot Olam outpost Eggs marketed by Shufersal/Teva Kastel/Liv ("Living More in Nature")/Harduf/Adama Owner Avri Ran has violently attacked Palestinian and Israeli peace activists
Good Food Preserved meat

Ma'aleh Efraim

Gidulei Dagim Raising edible fish Hamra
Grimberg Tiberio Organic farming and transport Beka'ot
Garinei Ha'bayit Nuts and seeds Mishor Sdumim Industrial Zone
Pure Natural Honey

("Dvash Tahor Tiv'i")

Honey Avigail
Dagei Adumim

("Adumim Fish")

Manufacturing and processing foods Ma'aleh Adumim
Ha'aretz Ha'tova Marketing agricultural produce Itamar "Visits to the farm, harvesting and fishing")
Holy Cacao Artisan chocolate Pnei Hever
Ha'shulchan Ha'matok chocolate Aley
Zahavei Ha'kerem/Ma'adanei Teiman Yemenite delicacies Spices and salads, Yemenite cuisine Barkan Industrial Zone Click for notes - Zahavei Ha'kerem
Ziv Bar Tehila Dairy farm, goats Beka'ot
El-Hai Farm Kfar Eldad Nokdim
Hagolan Spice Farm Spices and medicinal herbs Avinoam
Chemdat Avot-Hebron Oil and Flour Olive oil and wholewheat flour Ma'aleh Hever
Tevet Drink Machines Drink machines Elkana
Tofu Taim Ltd. Natural products Alfey Menashe
Tene Yarok/Amosi Farm Organic olive oil Rotem "Hebrew Labor"
Ta'aman Canned foods, foods with special "Mehuderet" kosher certificate Mishor Adumum Industrial Zone Brands: Zaza, Chupi, Palfi
Tropican Foods Alfey Menashe
Yinon Food manufacturing and processing Alfey Menashe
Yisrael Itskowitz Ltd. Foods Shaked
Kerem Natural Food Products Manufactures and imports health foods Barkan industrial zone At least some labels on products give address in Beit Shemesh Company website noted Barkan industrial zone as their location
Lebell Baking Supplies Utensils and materials for baking Gush Etzion Industrial Zone
Lankari Food Industries (Sherman Sofia) Foods Karney Shomron
Ariel Bakery Bakery Karney Shomron
Herby Bakery Baked goods, breads and cakes Beit El
Classic Bakery Baked goods, breads and pita breads Ma'aleh Efraim
Shifon Bakery Breads Neve Daniel Industrial Zone
Mevushelet Packaged meals Mevo Horon
The Lone Tree Brewery

("Ha'etz Ha'boded")

Beer Gush Etzion
Mahleva Ba'har Goat milk products Amuna
Golan Heights Dairies Milk products, esp. UHT milk, UHT chocolate milk, UHT cream Katzrin Industrial Zone Products also marketed as private brands: Tnuva, Tara, Yotveta
Gilad Dairies Dairy Shadmot Mehola
Mata Ami - Gifts Medjool Dates Mevu'ot Yericho "Gift packages from Ami Plantation in Mevo Yericho, export quality Medjool dates and other products from Judea and Samaria"
Mey Eden/Ma'ayanot Eden Mineral water Katzrin Industrial Zone
Mia Spice of Life/Mia Food Industries/Mia Foods/M.T.M. Ltd./Selected Spices, legumes, sweets Mishor Adumim Industrial Zone
Meitiv Lakol Foods Karney Shomron
Neguhot Apiary Healthy honey Neguhot
Ha'aretz Salt/Israel Salt Company Salt Kibbutz Kalia Also have factory in Atlit Brands: Oz Salt, Ha'aretz Salt
Rachela's Berry Delight Dairy products Sha'al (Golan)
Ma'adanei Ha'boreh Foods Shilo
Ma'adanei Sharp Sausages Elon Moreh Industrial Zone
Merav Glick Foods Elkana
Of Ha'birz Slaughterhouse Chicken Mishor Adumim Industrial Zone
Of Yerushalayim Slaighterhouse Chicken Atarot Industrial Zone
Meshek Achiyeh Olive oil Gush Etzion
Meshek Dvash ("Farm Honey") Honey Ofra
Meshek Zuriel/Zuriel Farm Cow and goat milk, soy milk, goat milk yogurt, cheeses Shadmot Mechola Labels obscure the origin of products Click for notes: Meshek Zuriel
Meshek Tsoref Organic eggs, organic grapes Shilo
Metikut Mitakademet Me'olam Acher/Adavanced Sweetness from Another World Sweetener Shomron Regional Council Sweegic
Super Drink Soft drinks (including the brand Trip) Atarot Industrial Zone Manufactures home brands for customers such as Shufersal, Mega. For example, the company manufactures Basic Soda, Shufersal Soda, Mega Zol, etc. In 2014 the company faced a crisis and huge debts and was near folding. It was sold to investors from South America for a paltry sum. The new owners are attempting to create int'l partnerships and enter the world soft drink market
Sachut Tari/Eco Alpha Natural juices Barkan Industrial Zone
Shamir Salads Salads, including the brand "Tari Tari" Barkan Industrial Zone The company website conceals its location Click for notes: Shamir Salads
Safra D.T. Ltd. Marketing Foods Binyamin
Ceremony Tea Tea Alon Shvut
Abadi Cookies/Abadi Middle Eastern Cookies Savory cookies Atarot Industrial Zone Product sold in ten countries Click for notes - Abadi cookies
Einot Kedem Organic desert agriculture Jordan Wilderness Organic produce: olives, olive oil, dates
Pomerantz Juices Ltd. Soft drinks Mevo Horon/Giv'at Ze'ev
Fuller - Fruit and Vegetable Marketing Fruit and vegetables Ma'aleh Amos Home deliveries
Fun Bak Nut spread, black tehina Barkan Industrial Zone
Hativ Nuts 2015 Ltd. Dried sweetened pineapple The company is in Petach Tikva, the source of the fruit is the Beka'ot Packaging Plant
Tekoa Mushrooms/Tekoa Mushroom Farm Growing, importing, packaging and marketing fruit and vegetables Tekoa Including fresh and dried edible mushrooms, endive, fresh ginger, shallots Have almost total control of the fresh ginger market in Israel
Pillsbury/Shalgal/General Mills Baked goods Atarot Industrial Zone Pillsbury is the worldwide brand of the USA General Mills Corp. Click for notes - Pillsbury
Ha'bika'a Nuts Nuts and seeds Nativ Ha'gdud
Peirot Yokra/Fruit for Celebrations Fruit Beit El Service to homes
Tsel Harim-Tea and Spices (Brody Family) Natural and vegetarian foods, spices, herbal tea Elon Moreh
Antikovich Bakery/Antikovich Investments Cakes and cookies Barkan Industrial Zone
Cookiedo Cakes and cookies Beit Ariye-Ofarim Distribute also in Petach Tikva and Bikat Ono
Kilufei Hamishor Processed potatoes Mishor Adumim Industrial Zone
Rico Empanadas/Ricki Foods Foods, esp. South American cuisine Rimonim
Sdeh Bar/ Sdeh Bar Dairy/Sdeh Bar Strawberries Cheeses/restaurant/organic olive oil/olives Nokdim/Herodion
Eynavis Chocolate Chocolate and pralines Barkan
Motola Preserves Pickles Emmanuel Industrial Zone
Shir Automatic Systems Ltd. Foods Sha'arey Tikva
Pure Argan Oil - Sivan S.M. Argan oil Nativ Ha'gdud Oil produced from the argan tree, also known as the Iron Tree and the Tree of Life
Eretz Gshur Olive Oil Olive oil Gshur Won int'l olive oil competition, TerraOlivio 2010 Click for notes - Eretz Gshur Olive Oil
Shemen Kedumim (Kedumim Oil) Olive oil Bar On Park, Kedumim
SacKemah Organic whole wheat and buckwheat flour, organic cane sugar, pomegranate juice, pure honey, olive oil Maskiot
Sasson & Co./Sasson Levinsky Nuts and dried fruit Located in Kiryat Gat, markets produce from Gilgal in the Jordan Valley The company is open about the source of the produce Click for notes - Sasson & Co.
Tvuot Bar Foods 1997 Ltd./Ha'aretz Bakery Cakes, cookies, gluten-free baked goods, peanuts, coconut Barkan Industrial Zone Products marketed in Eurpoe and the USA. Location not mentioned on company website. Click for notes - Tevuot Bar/Ha'aretz Bakery
Bar Spices Spice packaging and marketing
Netanel Spices Spices Barkan Industrial Zone
Shemesh Spices Cleaning products, spices, general foods Karney Shomron
Jordan River Spices Spices Mehola Shareholder in Megadley Ha'arava Exports Products sold in Holland, Britain and USA
Tnuvot Sade u'Mata Ltd. Peanuts, sorting and packing dates Yafit/Na'ama